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Consumer Law Pleadings

All Pleadings Associated with All NCLC Treatises

Instant access to over 2,000 sample pleadings, covering every stage of litigation and every consumer law subject area. Most pleadings are in MS Word format and PDF format and the remaining  pleadings are available in PDF format. Pleadings are ready to print, download, or paste into your word processor.


image of the consumer law pleadings database displayed on an iPad

Click here to pinpoint pleadings using keyword search and/or use the facets in the search page's left side bar to narrow down by:
  • Type of general pleading;
  • Type of class action pleading;
  • Type of bankruptcy pleading;
  • Subject;
  • Legal claims;
  • Associated treatise

This volume is primarily the work of over one hundred attorneys specializing in consumer law all over the country who have contributed pleadings, and we are greatly indebted to them. We also are especially grateful to NCLC’s editorial staff for redacting, editing, and categorizing the pleadings: Denise Lisio, Eric Secoy, Vivian Abraham, Paige Miller, Vara Barnes, and Josh Ambre.   While we thank all NCLC attorneys for their help obtaining the pleadings, we should especially acknowledge for their past efforts in this regard Robert Hobbs, Jeremiah Battle, Jr., Jon Sheldon, John Rao, and Carolyn Carter. 


National Consumer Law Center, Consumer Law Pleadings, available at


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National Consumer Law Center and NCLC are registered trademarks of National Consumer Law Center, Inc.

All rights reserved. 


National Consumer Law Center publications are designed to provide authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. Use other sources for recent developments not incorporated in the print or online versions of our publications or for special rules for individual jurisdictions. When using a print edition, always use the most current edition and always refer to the digital version that will contain additional material not found in the print edition. At any point in time, this treatise's print and digital versions may not include the latest law changes or examine every issue related to a topic. This publication cannot substitute for the independent judgment and skills of an attorney or other professional. Non-attorneys are cautioned against using these materials to conduct a lawsuit without advice from an attorney and are cautioned against engaging in the unauthorized practice of law.